Saturday 8 March 2014

Hai new semester 2014

Dah masuk semester baru, semuanya nak baru kan. haha. Dah pun masuk semester lima, which is the final year for BLS in law school days. So inilah dia my room for this semester and my study table, a little bit of where all the action happens. We have a new member of the house which is Azreen as she is filling up for dayah and Azira's spot. I did not manage to update about my intership days in Omayah, Nawal & Partners. I'll update about that when I have time (taking my own sweet time). Currently busy with the new classes and some major house issues. So, here's the sneak peak of my space in my place in shah Alam. Tomorrow will be a fun day, going to Jalan Tar and buy me some expensive law books and have a movie day out with my apple family, bringing along my to be fiance'. haha. anyways, life is just getting better for me :)

Got to go, need my beauty sleep

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