Monday 4 November 2013

Meet the appellants

What is mooting?

Mooting is an oral presentation of a  legal issue or problem against opposing counsel before

a judge. It is basically an experience which all law student will undergo. It is the closest 

experience that a student can have whilst at university  to appearing in court.

So yesterday was my session for mooting. We were the first group to go. Imagine I was so busy with the awareness week, then came along with the trip to Taman Negara and there was no time to do sufficient preparation. I was reading and memorizing my scrip on the bus to Taman Negara. It was a hectic week, I was so drawn out of energy. But Alhamdulillah all went well, our presentation was good, positive comments given by the judge. It made my day. So happy to hear that our authority was solid and for a first session group we did well. Thank you Allah for easing the flow of our journey for my team. Thanks to the senior council Asha, for everything. She was the backbone of the team. Very glad to have you in the team, great work and well done. Sorry for all of the inconvenient at the time feey sya and I was away in Pahang. 

My team was the appellants we fight for justice for our client. ahhaha. Finishng the mooting session was like winning a case. We finished one subject for this semester, a few more to go. This one of the best moment in law school. Brushing up your mooting skills. 

         From left; Atyqah rose(Junior counsel) Asha (Senior Counsel) Feey Sya (Junior Counsel)

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