Monday 30 July 2012

It's for all of us

Sometimes in life we can't get everything that we want. A friend once said to me, "rose you got every thing, mesti nanti in the future you won't get a child."Nauzubillah! Okay, ouch! that hurts. (dalam hati shittnya la laki ni. mulut capui sgt eah but I really do want my own child), he made me think. I don't get everything that I want, but basic things that a 20 years old would get. Eg: I wanna have a mini cooper for my birthday but my parents bought me a car last 4month, so it's okay I guess. There's more to this when I think it back. I used to want a degree in Art and Design but now I am  a Law student. Tak terlintas pun dalam hati I would be following my mother and my father's footsteps. Jauh tersimpang, since school, choosing to be a lawyer nor going to law school was not in my list. But look now, I'm going to be in my second semester soon. As for love stories, I used to love someone very much but it didn't work between us. And Allah replace him with a guy who really understands me, treats me like a princess and a great person to be with. Allhamdulillah :) Life is unexpected, if we get everything that we want it will be dull. Things like this colours our daily life. I always, remind myself, fairy tales and movies are not the same as reality. Reality, are full of pain, tests from the mighty and tears. But if we are in the right path, everything would be much sweeter than a fairy tale story. So, it goes back to us as a muslim. Always Doa to the mighty one. He knows what your heart wants, and only him knows what's best for his subjects.

Ps/: If we get to much things that we want in past we will loose something in the future because Allah dah tetap semuanya dalam kadar seimbang, Simple example: muda-muda suka makan benda manis, bila tua kena kencing manis :). So people think it back.

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